Knee Scope

Knee Scope

A KNEE ARTHROSCOPY (often referred to as a knee scope) is a surgery that uses a tiny scope and camera to look inside your knee. Small incisions are made to insert the scope and small surgical tools into your knee for the procedure.

Arthroscopy may be recommended for the following knee problems:

  • Torn meniscus. Meniscus is cartilage that cushions the space between the bones in the knee. Surgery is done to repair or remove the meniscus.
  • Torn or damaged anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).
  • Inflamed (swollen) or damaged lining of the joint. This lining is called the synovium.
  • Patella (kneecap) that is out of position (misalignment).
  • Small pieces of broken cartilage in the knee joint.
  • Treatment of Baker’s cyst, which is swelling behind the knee that is filled with fluid. Sometimes the problem occurs when there is damage in the knee, and fixing this damage will cause the cyst to shrink.

You will have an ACE™ bandage on your knee over the dressing and will go home the day of surgery. Your doctor will give you exercises to complete.
You may need to use crutches and/or a brace for a while after knee arthroscopy. Your doctor may also prescribe pain medication. Recovery is dependent on many factors, including the nature of the surgery, your state of health, and your compliance with the post-operative rehabilitation program. Full recovery may take anywhere from a couple weeks to 6 months or more.

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